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Solvari SR

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The mounts come pre-installed. Simply carry and place the panel to the desired location and screw down. Once installed, the leveling bolts can be adjusted to level the panel. Use the quick release  to remove the module from the base mounts for  service or repair.

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Laminate Adhesion

Solvari uses industry standard adhesives like those used by standard aluminum frames to adhere the mounts to the laminate.  


Deck Adhesion

Each mount comes with an adhesive at the bottom which creates a waterproof seal when installing the system to the roof.


Hand Hold

The ergonomic hand hold makes installation easy! Moving the panel to the desired location couldn't be more user friendly. It also provides structural support during snow loads.

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solar panel made in texas solvari sr_edi


The panels come with all the electrical equipment already installed. Connection to the microinverter and all wire management is taken care of, making Solvari SR a simple plug and play system.

Fully Assembled

This fully integrated system makes solar installation and replacement easy. Simply carry the light panel to your desired rooftop location, screw in the preinstalled screws, and plug the microinverter into the next panel in the string. Use the existing wire and wire clips to terminate each string at the junction box. If you need to service or replace a panel just unlock each mount to release the panel and remove it. When the panel is ready to be installed simply place it back on the already installed mounts.

Installatin anchor

Solvari SR is light weight and easy to install on any asphalt shingled roof. Simply place it on a designated roof location and screw it down. Compared to a rail free racking system, the installation has been proven to be 4x faster!

Installation Lift and Carry
Time Study
Time study video

Prep, Install, and Service

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Waterproof Testing

Every mount comes with flashing tape pre-installed. Simply remove the release sheet before installation and once the deck screws are drilled into the shingles, a waterproofing seal is created.


At Solvari, we know that roof leaks are not an option. That is why Solvari SR utilizes best-in-class flashing tape that has been used by the roofing industry for over 40 years. 

In addition, we conducted over 4800 hours of waterproof testing including every conceivable configuration. No matter how hard we tried we could never get the Solvari SR attachments to leak.

Mechanical Load Testing

The Solvari SR Module and mounts have been designed and tested to withstand 120 mph wind speeds and 50 psf snow loads.  

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